Get names of packages that you have locally installed or that are available to be installed.

get_available_packages(bioc = FALSE, local = FALSE, reset_cache = FALSE)



A logical value. If TRUE the Bioconductor dependencies data will be taken from the Bioconductor repository. For this option to work properly, BiocManager package needs to be installed.


A logical value. If TRUE only data of locally installed packages will be used (without API usage).


A logical value. If TRUE the cache will be cleared before obtaining the list of packages.


A character vector.


Function uses caching - only the first usage scraps information from servers. Those objects are then saved locally in temporary file and further usages loads needed data from the file.

Arguments bioc and local cannot be TRUE simultaneously. If neither local nor bioc are TRUE, vector contains all packages available currently on CRAN. If bioc is TRUE, vector contains all packages available currently on CRAN and via Bioconductor. If local is TRUE, vactor contains all of the packages that are currently installed.


library(deepdep) av <- get_available_packages() head(av)
#> A3 aaSEA ABACUS abbyyR abc #> "A3" "aaSEA" "ABACUS" "abbyyR" "abc" ""